Embroidered Panel – Stage 1

While waiting for Sian’s feedback last week I started assembling my materials, light fabrics, handmade papers, momigami-treated papers, threads, ribbons, fibers …
Not everything is going to be used in the embroidered panel and other bits and pieces will be added to my heap as the project develops. On the bottom left there are some block letters I have been machine stitching on layers of organza, maybe they will be used maybe not.
Assessment stage 1-6

The background is made up by two layers of heavy Lutradur (size of each 80 x 80 cms) in light shades of green  - I mixed my green hues from Setacolor Transparent lemon yellow, buttercup yellow, cobalt blue and ultramarine blue and sponged them on the Lutradur. I chose these silk paints since they really look like watercolours, do not stiffen the fabric and can be easily fixed by ironing.

The two sheets were then tacked together – I left open edges all around in order to be able to add other elements in between the sheets-, marked the folds and reinforced them through a narrow and short zigzag stitching. Perhaps these fold lines are going to be covered and hidden, or perhaps something else is going to happen to them!

Strips and bits of light and transparent fabrics were then fixed with Bondaweb to create variations in colour. I feel some areas are too harsh, I would like to obtain muted and mellow changes for a start. After working on both sides I folded up my ‘book’ for a first check. Now it’s all flat again …

Assessment stage 1-2

  Assessment stage 1-3 Assessment stage 1-1Assessment stage 1-4 Assessment stage 1-5


  1. Sono particolarmente attirato dai bellissimi colori dei tuoi oggetti.

  2. Lovely soft shades. Very interesting. it all comes together well.

  3. Hi Daniela, I love your selection, and it all looks very exciting. You're progressing well.

  4. Lovely selection of materials in the top photo, I really like your choice of muted colours, they're a reminder of Spring.


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