Chapter 9 - Stitched paper edges

And finally only a few samples of stitched paper edges, just to get the feeling of how they could be handled later on.


Sample 1, inspiration on the right

For this sample I sandwiched a cheesecloth strip between two paper sheets, trapping different bits within. On the very edge I have couched a crocheted chain in paper yarn. It's the first time I try paper yarn and I like it: it's rigid, so it keeps the loops well, but it can't be used for stitching since it quite easily breaks. An interesting material though!

Another simple sample. Cheesecloth wrapped around the edge, long hand stitches plus lines of machine stitching with threads left dangling and loose.

Sample 2, insp on the right

Sample 3 and its ispiration
For this sample the idea was to have a solid edge on one side and a broken one on the other. I used here a technique (momigami, I'm not sure of the name) we learnt from Cas Holmes two years ago during summer school for preparing a sheet of written computer paper. I massaged baby oil in it to make the paper more supple and fabric-like, collaged the momigamied ripped pieces, cheesecloth and a couple of big letters on my background paper, covered everything with tulle net and machine stitched the whole.
Sample 4, inspiration on the right

Another little experiment with paper. For this jagged edge I first coloured some tracing paper, trapped it in pieces between two self made papers, and machine stitched them together adding withdrawn threads.

Sample 5 and its inspiration

A loopy sample, it's only for decoration but edge is not changed

And finally a last sample ...

Sample 6 and its inspiration


  1. these are great i particularly like the one with one hard edge and the softer edge. but I like them all well done.

  2. These are fabulous Daniela. I love your combinations of fabric and thread

  3. Just love your imaginative approach, Daniela, no.s 1 and 5 are my favourites


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