The final neckpiece

So at last here it is. I think I can call it off if Sian agrees. I made some additions/changes from Stage Five. Right side: I added more beads on the ridges of the wavy element because I wanted them to come out more; I also added a second copper fan to the brass one and created a beaded core between the two with the aim of improving focus in that area. And I decided to turn the point of the embroidered element upward so as to obtain a stronger spiralling effect around the neck. Left side: I thought that the pointed end was a bit dangerous for the skin/clothes and unnecessary, so I turned it on itself creating a new loop. I like it better now. On the neck: I wrapped a shining multishade embroidery thread since that area looked to me still a bit dull. I think that this thread added to the woollen one makes the neckpiece slide better and be more confortable to wear. Back part : Finally I turned the neckpiece over and sewed a self-dyed soft velvet on the back of the embroidered part since some metallic threads were scratchy on the skin. The velvet also pads this part and helps keeping it as a whole. I stitched folds and ripples on the velvet to encourage the upward movement toward the neck. Front view Right view
Left view
Back view

And this is the neckpiece seen from the back with the addition of velvet on the left.
The neckpiece keeps its shape but is not rigid and can be wrapped around the neck a bit more or a bit less since the copper of its structure maintains its flexibility. It weighs 190 grams. I wouldn't say I could wear it in the supermarket but on a special evening one never knows ...


  1. Daniella, this is beautiful. The piece answers the brief - plenty os spirals! It's as gorgeous as anything you would find on the catwalk! Well Done

    I do hope you will be able to find a space in your suitcase to bring it to Summer School, I would love to see it first hand and if possible have a try on!!!
    best wishes

  2. Your necklace is terrific, Daniella. The colours are great, love all the metal attachments and embellishments - a lot of work!
    and ooh yes, please bring it to summer school!

  3. Can I join the queue to get a look at this - it is lovely and such a lot of work.

  4. It is an incredible piece - I keep coming back to look at it, there's so much to see. I love that wrinkled piece of velvet on the back - that would make a great piece in its own right!
    All you have to do know is work out how on earth you'll get it past customs - wouldn't want you being arrested on terrorism charges and not making it to summer school!


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